Health & Fitness

5 Questions for Helping Parents to Take Care of Their Kids’ Oral Health

“The sooner the better” – You may have heard this line quite often and in one scenario where this fits in most appropriately is when you need to take the right precautions for taking care of your kids’ health.

Children’s oral health is one of the major concerns presently. Though parents always strive to take care of the overall health of their children, they often fail to understand the significance of the oral and dental care for their kids.

Oral Health

Healthy smiles are not achieved easily. For this you have to start early, discuss with your pediatric dentist and ensure that you make your kids learn the simple steps that will help them to retain their pearly whites for a lifetime.  Here are some questions and answers that will help you to have a comprehensive idea about how to care for your child’s oral health.


  • Why are baby teeth so vital?


Answer –These teeth assist your kids to speak and chew in the right manner. Not only that, these are also responsible for keeping space for the adult teeth in the jaw bones.

Though the new-borns seem to have no teeth but in reality these are evolving in the baby’s jawbones already and they will come out during the first three years. So if you take care of your kids’ oral health right from the infant stage then their teeth can be protected from cavity and other dental issues for a long time to come.


  • What to do when the baby starts teething?


Answer –Some babies have sore or tender gums as their first tooth emerges. During teething, many people believe that fever is common in babies. But it is not normal. So if your baby persistently has high fever then it is advised that you call your doctor.

You use a wet finger or gauze to rub your kids’ gums that relive your baby a bit from the soreness of the gum. You can also use a chilled teething ring without dipping it in syrup, sugar or any other food for making your baby comfortable. If that also does not help, then it is recommended that you consult your dentist.


  • Is fluoride toothpaste essential for the kid? How much toothpaste can be used for the child?


Answer – You should use fluoride tooth on a daily basis, twice every day to be precise. If you can use the right amount of fluoride then it will protect your teeth from all kinds of dental decay and cavity issues.

Children between 3-8 years are suggested to use a pea-sized toothpaste amount. On the other hand, a smear amount of toothpaste is recommended for children who are under the age of 3 years.


  • When is the right time to start brushing for your kid?


Answer – You should start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first tooth emerges.



  • When to start taking the baby to the dentist?


Answer – Talk to your dentist and schedule your appointment as soon as the first tooth arrives in your kid. You should see this appointment as your kid’s first appointment with the physician for checking up their over-all health. It is recommended that you go for this appointment with your child dentist within the first six months after the first tooth appears but not later than the first birthday of your kid. This may seem early. But in order to guarantee a lifetime of great oral health you need to start early.

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The above questions and answers will help you to get some idea about how to take care of your child’s oral health in the appropriate way. Your dentist will be able to enlighten you further in this.


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