5 Tips to Remove Stains from Pregnancy
During pregnancy, there are so many changes that occur in your body that you may notice how your skin can also be affected by the appearance of spots on various parts of the body. The main responsible for the darkening of the skin become the hormones that increase levels during pregnancy. However this does not mean you should resign yourself to stains darken increasingly, they can always take some steps to diminish or disappear altogether.
Do all pregnant women suffer from skin blemishes?
You should keep in mind that while it is common for women who are pregnant to have spots on the skin, each woman’s pregnancy is different. This means that although you might have to deal with stains, perhaps the best of them do not interest. In fact, there is a genetic predisposition that causes women with a dark skin test to develop more blemishes on the skin, while lighter skin is usually less prone to the appearance of dark spots. But as we said, there is no particular rule in this, so you should be prepared if this happens. The most common are that the spots become apparent and disappear months after delivery because the hormones are gradually returning to their normal levels, although there are also cases where the skin spots remain, so it is important to see some recommendations for this not to happen.
Tips to remove stains
From before the spots appear on the skin, until after you give birth, it is important that you take action on the matter. So the first step should always be prevention. Protecting yourself from the sun’s rays is critical to reducing the appearance of spots on the face
- Protect yourself from the sun’s rays
It may be that you have never had problems with skin blemishes, but if you are pregnant it is important that you do not trust yourself and protect yourself all the time from sun exposure. Always wear protective to leave home and do not forget your umbrella or hat to cover your face from the sun. Research indicates that the face is the place where more spots tend to appear, and direct contact with the sun’s rays increases these odds much more.
- Moisturize your skin continually
To prevent skin spots from accumulating in different parts of the body; it is essential that you keep your skin hydrated throughout the day. This will allow the stretching of the skin does not create that enormous amount of fissures that we know as stretch marks and that are more visible in areas like the thighs and the belly. Also, you can use facial creams to moisturize your face and reduce or prevent stains appearing product of hormonal changes. Make-up is a good option to cover imperfections and raise your mood
- Cover imperfections with make-up
You do not have to let the spots that appear on your skin make you feel bad. Women always have a beam up their sleeve to hide these drawbacks that can come associated with pregnancy: makeup. Use a powder that was beside hiding all imperfections or spots on the skin, also hydrate and protect your body skin from the sun’s rays. This way you can feel beautiful while you take care of your face. It is important that you never forget to remove makeup before going to bed because makeup residue can also affect the pigmentation of your skin.
- Try home remedies
If you have already passed the pregnancy and notice that the stains persist after the time, then it is time to try some home remedies to eliminate them. This is the first option that should be taken by women who have had a baby, because being natural do not contain chemicals that can affect the baby who is breastfeeding. The lemon juice, plantain, and alo vera are the main allies of a radiant skin without blemishes. Rubbing it directly on the skin or letting it work for a while is one of the best and top tips we can give you for skin care.
- Visit a dermatologist
If after all this you already recommend stains persist, then it’s time you visit the specialist to recommend a more efficient treatment for removal of skin blemishes. It is important that when you go to the dermatologist, you explain that you just went through a pregnancy so that you take into account that the treatments you are prescribed do not become counterproductive in feeding your baby.
Pulkit thakur started his career as an health consultant at an early age beginning in the area of health .He is an expert in the area of developing strategies for health .He provides thought leadership and pursues strategies for engagements with the senior executives on Innovation in health and Technology he presently works for www.healthwhoop.com as The Head of the health consultancy.