
5 Way to Increase Computer Security

Whilst we continue to develop the security aspects of the internet and have ultimately managed to make it a much safer place than it was a few decades ago, there are still threats that could potentially harm either your domestic or office based infrastructure. The majority of issues surrounding internet threats and computer security come down to hacking, which has also developed over the years through detailed analysis of various online programs that are capable of stealing personal information. Therefore, whilst you have every reason to feel safer when surfing the net, there are still many reasons why maintaining strict computer security protocols is essential to the well being of your IT infrastructure, whether it’s at work or at home. Here are five ways to increase computer security so that you don’t fall foul of the modern-day capabilities of hackers, spyware and viruses.

Get an Antivirus Programme

There are plenty of antivirus programs available on the market today that are capable of protecting you from some of the basic threats posed by hackers and viruses. Many of these ant viruses equip your new PC as soon as you take it out of the box, whilst others can be bought separately should you be looking to seek out a particular developer. The difficulty is trying to separate the effective antivirus programs from the less helpful ones, with the level of quality making a huge difference with regards to protecting your PC. You should always make sure that your antivirus software has pop-up blocker, spam blocker, anti-spyware and anti-malware protection tools equipped as well so that your level of protection is satisfactory for the threats that are posed by the modern-day internet. Finally, always remember that some viruses are capable of bypassing internet security, especially if you decide to turn specific features of the security program off from time to time.

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Do You Need a Separate Firewall?

One of many features that any antivirus program should have is a firewall, although there are many out there that don’t have them. Firewalls are extremely important as they protect all your private data from outside intrusions. There are passwords set up at that prevent people from outside your network accessing your files, all of which come from your firewall. As mentioned previously, the vast majority of antivirus programs already contain a firewall tool that helps to protect you against people intruding on your network. If you’re concerned about your firewall or you are unsure as to whether you actually have one installed, the best thing to do is to read through the developer’s manual for your specific antivirus program and install a separate firewall instead.

Pick a Secure Password

Passwords are essential with all kinds of security protocols. They have proven to be one of the most effective ways of keeping unauthorized people away from thing that don’t belong to them. With regards to your computer, it always helps to have passwords protecting your personal data to prevent them from being stolen. When it comes to choosing a password, you should look to pick one that you can easily remember. Forgetting your password isn’t the end of the world nowadays, with plenty of password retrieval options available on the internet. However, retrieving some passwords, such as those associated with online banking, can be a much more complicated process, so it’s important to pick a password that you’ll remember. In addition, many people choose to stick with the same password for many years without changing it. Changing your password often is recommended in case you accidentally let slip any important login details. It can also help to protect you against large scale hacking operations, such as the well-documented ‘Heart Bleed’ crisis.

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Ensure You Have a Backup

Something that is particularly important for computer users setting up an office IT infrastructure is data backup. Security issues can be knocked back multiple times but you are never fully protected from new methods of hacking, so it’s vital that you backup any data you have so that it can be saved and accessed easily despite a cyber attack or security flaw of any kind. In addition, computers can become permanently damaged due to the work of viruses and other malware, so you could potentially lose all the work you saved on that particular PC forever. Saving data elsewhere, usually in a cloud server, is the best method of protecting files and making them easily accessible after an emergency situation such as this. It is even more important to back up your data if you possess private data and files related to your clients, as their personal information could be lost. You can easily acquire data backup programs online for a worthwhile fee, or you could also purchase external hard drives for alternative storage methods other than your PC.

Disconnect Your Internet

One of the simplest and most effective ways of keeping your computer out of trouble from the threat of the internet is to disconnect every now and then. Let’s face it, you’re not going to be surfing the net 24/7, so disconnecting from the internet whilst your away from the computer will certainly prevent viruses, Trojans, malware, spyware and so on from doing damage. There are some computers available today that give you the option of disconnecting automatically if you are away from the computer for a certain amount of time, which is helpful as you won’t have to remind yourself every time you leave it alone. Of course, it can be extremely efficient to have a constant internet connection running at all times, especially if you find yourself downloading large files regularly. Just make sure you take the necessary steps to prevent your computer remaining vulnerable to threats posed by the internet.

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These five aspects of computer security are essential to keeping on top of all the typical threats you’re likely to hear about or come across during your time using a computer. Remember that in certain scenarios, particularly in an office environment, maintaining the security of your IT infrastructure is a huge necessity and should be taken extremely seriously. Use the information provided in this article to take the necessary steps to solidifying your computers security protocols and you’ll have nothing to worry about in the future.


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