5 ways to cure yourself with the help of technology
Technology has been, not so secretly, infiltrating our lives with new improved developments. It has changed the way we shop, how we communicate with our friends, how we earn and the way we travel. Technology is completely transforming how we handle things. Though technology has been such a big part of our lives, it did not affect the medical field until a few years ago. It cannot be ignored that the technological advances in medicine have brought some very remarkable changes in the health industry. From updated X-ray machines to more advanced surgical practices, technology has provided us with the chance to become healthier and in this way, has increased our life expectancy. As we dive deeper into the 21st century, it is hard not to notice that with the help of technology we keep creating and improving a number of cures and beneficial changes in treatment and care which have totally improved the quality of our life. With the constant upgrades and advances in our healthcare system, it is important to know how we are now able to cure ourselves through technology.
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/four-people-holding-mobile-phones-1083622/
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Everything is easily accessible – thanks to the internet
Internet has now become the number one source to get medical information. It has become common for a person suffering from some sickness to immediately look up their symptoms online trying to find a healing solution to the ailment. There are times when worrying about a disease can intensify its symptoms and this is where internet comes in handy in making you less worried by providing answers when medical personnel is not in the near vicinity. Sometimes your symptoms just lead on to tell you that it’s a minor flu or throat infection and you might even be able to save up some cash by avoiding any unnecessary visit to the doctor. However, there are times when you might find out something worrisome with regards to your symptoms and in these instances a proper consultation with a doctor is highly advised.
Access to Healthcare facilities through Social Media now
Hospitals, clinics and physicians have made their way to social media and are using it as a platform to connect with their patients. There are a few doctors who are popular on social media platforms. It has provided them with the opportunity to access a very large audience and this way they are able to launch several public awareness campaigns. Now you can easily get in touch with a hospital or a doctor online and get information from them. You can easily get advice regarding your situation which is specific to the type of facilities they provide. Another really awesome perk about being able to access medical practitioners and facilities is that you have easy access to the reviews and feedback past patients have provided. This way you can easily narrow down the doctor or facility you think will be able to provide the best treatment for your illness.
Telemedicine/Telehealth is accessible
In a remote or war torn area where medical facilities are scarce, getting sick or hurt is a nightmare. Thanks to telemedicine, people from all over the world are able to get the proper treatment, whether they live in the city or basically are unable to travel long distances to get treated. Telemedicine provides the facility where a patient is able to contact the doctor via video and audio technology and just needs an internet connection on a smart phone, laptop or tab to do that. Telemedicine has become a popular and successful method where patients are provided with the ease to visit the doctor virtually. Studies show that telemedicine is saving critically ill patients. There are also various apps provided by the telehealth companies which get people in touch with medical professionals without the hassle of appointments and travelling. This is really helpful when the patient needs psychological help and counseling. Telemedicine has also helps doctors share medical records online and give a better diagnosis to the patient. The patient is also able to connect to a specialist right away in important cases. Telemedicine is also considered to be cost saving and has been known to reduce the amount of follow up exams if found unnecessary.
Updated equipment, medicine – better treatment
We can’t exactly forget the most prominent ways technology has improved healthcare. It has provided doctors with more advanced machines and more potent medicines, which have resulted in providing the best treatment possible. Now when you visit your doctor, they will use the best equipment to examine and diagnose you. If you suffer from a long-term illness, technology has helped research for better ways to provide you the treatment which will increase the quality and of course quantity of your life. Medicine has become more powerful and is likely to heal you faster than ever. Diseases which were previously considered doorways to death, have the possibility of having a cure, thanks to all the new research being taken place with the help of new technology. Now medical practitioners from all over the world are able to connect with each other, which has allowed us to solve medical mysteries and procedures have become more refined with safe results.
- Download Health Apps on your Smartphone
There are various health apps on Google play store and apple store, used to track your health. You can check your blood pressure, keep track of how many hours you’re sleeping, how many miles you have walked and much more. That way, you won’t have to run to the doctor’s office just to check your blood pressure. Keep track of your health for a better lifestyle. There are apps for exercising as well. Having an app for exercise, installed in your phone may motivate you to work out on a daily basis. This way you will be active and energetic than usual. You can even keep a check of how many calories a food item has, to keep a check on how many calories you are in taking.
It is high time to utilize the improvements technology has made in the healthcare industry. The changes and upgrades have helped us get cured earlier and more efficiently. It is now easier to save lives because of the advanced procedures. We never imagined that we will be able to know about our illness before visiting the doctor through internet. Virtual visits with the doctor are an excellent opportunity, not to forget all the monitoring tools we can wear and still be active. Technology is on a health improving mission which has no sign of stopping in the near future.