A Sneak Peak into Slangs in the Shoe World
As per latest trends, shoes are designed with many innovative features and technologies to help you run or walk your best. Now-a-days, shoes not only come in a variety of shapes and color but a dozen of nicknames & abbreviations. We are mentioning here easy terms just to boost your shoe collection & knowledge, so let us take you into the sneakers world.
Kicks: Kicks mostly refer to sneakers or athletic shoes. Other names for kicks are shoes, sneakers or footwear.
Creps/Crep: These shoes are specially designed for athletic activities. Creps are light in weight and have rubber sole suitable for any type of training or running activity. The term “Crep check” is referring to the inspection of one’s shoes. It’s often used as another word for sneakers.
Crispy: A clean and tidy shoe is termed as crispy.
Deadstock: When a shoe has never been wornand is brand new, it is termed as deadstock. This word is usually used on auction sites to describe a shoe that has been in the box and stayed in the box since you bought it, one that has never been tried on, factory-laced.
Fire: When something is hot or really looking good. Used to describe t he looks of shoes that are really vintage or exclusive. Another word used for same is lit.
Size Run: It’s the count that how many pairs a retailer or reseller has. There are two terms used for that. One is a full-size run. Another is partial size run. Full size varies from size 6 to 12.Partial size run is used when a store doesn’t receive a full shipment.
Retro: A shoe style that had a good run in the past, like a Jordan and is being re-released.
Retro style is a style that is inspired by trends, fashions, or attitudes of the past.
Ballet shoe: It is a type of soft and flat shoe worn by ballet dancers. These are lightweight and are made from soft leather, canvas, or satin, and have flexible, thin soles. Women wear pink shoes, and men wear white or black shoes. But in modern ballet tan colored slippers which are unobtrusive, giving the appearance of dancing barefoot are worn by modern ballet dancer (both men and women).
Cross-trainers: Cross-training shoe is a sports shoe that is suitable for wearing in the gym and also suitable for running. Cross training shoes are a mixture of several different types of athletic footwear. Usually, these shoes have the heel cushioning of a running shoe, the lateral stability of a tennis shoe or basketball sneaker, and the forefoot cushioning of a volleyball shoe. These shoes are versatile enough to be utilized for many different activities.
Tennis shoes: Tennis shoes are typically a type of sports shoe with rubber bottoms which are specifically designed patterns on the sole, all depending on which type of court surface you generally play on. Its top is made of either leather or strong cotton. Tennis shoes are made different for different type of surface (court) for playing. For hard courts, Tennis shoes are designed with more durability in mind, offering a more resilient outsole and more supportive uppers. For soft courts, these are designed with non-damaging traction in mind.
Sling back: A sling back is a type of woman’s footwear with a strap around the back of the heel instead of a full covering. It is characterized by a strap that crosses behind the heel or ankle. A sling back strap is different from an ankle-strap in that the ankle-strap is a strap that completely encircles the ankle.
Colorways: One of the different configurations for the color scheme for shoes which includes a range of combinations of colors in which a style or design is available. It’s called the color scheme for the given product.
Factory-laced: Factory-laced is when a pair of kicks is totally untouched. The laces are as they were when they left the factory. For unlacing such shoes, one should carefully wriggle the plastic-cased end of the lace up through the tiny holes in the upper from the inside.
Now, you have got familiar with some of the common slang words in the world of sneakers. Next time, don’t hesitate to throw in slang or two talking about your favorite kicks with your friends.
Brief Bio: ‘Tracer‘ an established Indian shoe brand, offers a wide variety of sport shoes, leather shoes, sandals and slippers for men, women and kids. With a strong belief that “Ever Step Matters”, Tracer aims at manufacturing high-quality products for people from all walks of life.