
Become a Professional Wedding Planner in no time

Wedding planner is in vogue not only since the various TV programs by Wedding planner Frank Mathée. Especially women see in this job all their dreams united and would rather today than tomorrow organize the marriages of other people. But is that really that easy? How I become a wedding planner? And what can you earn in this job? We have summarized the most important information for you.

Organizing one’s wedding is one of the most exciting phases of life for many women. Unfortunately, the best day of your life is over too fast. So why not use your experiences and accompany other couples through your party as wedding planner? Many women – and some men – ask themselves this question after or even before their own big day. After all, in the last few years hardly any job has made it into the ranks of dream jobs as fast as the wedding planner. Especially in the US, the wedding planner profession has a long tradition, which is increasingly spilling over. After all, a wedding for many couples is not only a great financial investment, but also associated with a lot of stress and time – more and more frequently in this country bridal couples want to give this burden in experienced hands and thereby ensure that their party is really the best moment of their Life becomes. In these cases, the wedding planner helps!

A wedding planner has to bring many qualities

Even if a wedding planner often comes into contact with romance and is allowed to fool around on many parties at weekends: In practice, this job is hard work. But what really belongs to this profession?

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Become a Professional Wedding Planner in no time

Wedding planner: Is the job really a dream job?

This is not to be answered in a sentence. On the one hand, many wedding planners offer their customers an all-round carefree package. This means that the wedding planner, in consultation with the couple, will take care of all the questions of the wedding organization. That is what makes the profession so varied. After all, the organizer not only has to look after a beautiful location, but also help with the search for the perfect wedding dress, choose the flower arrangement or find an atmospheric band for the evening. That sounds like an exciting job, right? He is, but this is only one side of the coin. It is not without reason that a great deal of pressure is put on a wedding planner.

After all, most couples make extremely high expectations on their wedding day, which the organizer of the celebration has to fulfill as a professional. Small mistakes that may not be significant in other jobs can quickly become major disasters in these emotional moments in the eyes of the newlyweds. For this reason, a thick coat is one of the most important skills that a wedding planner needs to bring. In order not to let it get that far, a good empathy is particularly important. After all, as a wedding planner, you should try to guess and fulfill the expectations of your clients – not your own. In addition, a wedding planner, of course, needs an outstanding organizational skill and the talent to build a large network and use it.

Especially in emergency situations, it may be crucial to have a good connection to the local hairdresser or the best florist in the city, to be able to solve even unforeseen problems quickly. In addition, the wedding planner’s job is not just creative ideas and the fondness of organizing, but also dry facts and accurate planning. Therefore, you should not dare the hard-wired wedding planning business overnight, but prepare yourself thoroughly.

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How to become a wedding planner

However, getting the preparation right is the main problem for many career starters. The term “wedding planner” is not protected so far. This means that theoretically everyone can call themselves that and start a business. Although this regulation facilitates the creation of your own agency, this also means that the Job Wedding Planner is not a classic apprenticeship. That’s why a lot of newcomers to the market, who have come to their dream job in various ways, are hopping around. If you are fresh from school and are thinking of working as a wedding planner, training as an event trainer is an obvious choice. Business Guide Blog has detail information on this special business idea.

After all, a wedding is an event like any other, so it does not hurt to know the tools of a good event organization. Experiences in the gastronomy and the hotel management are also an advantage. An even stronger theoretical foundation can also be formed with a business administration degree. Within this study, you can later specialize in the field of event management and thus create good conditions for your career entry as a wedding planner.

Last but not least, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry have also responded to the fashion industry trend so that they can now offer training lasting several weeks, which can be completed with a certificate. You will receive a crash course in extremely important topics such as marketing, customer acquisition or business start-up, which will make your professional life as a wedding planner with security easier.

How much money can you earn as a wedding planner?

The good news first: Up your merit are no limits. Since most wedding planners earn a living as self-employed, the motto is: You yourself are your blacksmith! So if you win many customers for you, fulfill their wishes before they even arise, make you a name and organize big weddings, the job can be extremely lucrative. Finally, you can freely negotiate your salary with your customers. As a rule of thumb, a wedding planner receives about 10 percent of the total cost of the wedding for their services.

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The more elaborate the celebration and the more difficult the organization is, the higher the wage will normally be. Since average weddings usually move in a cost segment of 10,000 to 15,000 Euros, but by no means every celebration is so fruitful. In addition, the wedding planners market is highly competitive and the certainty of really being busy at any time of the year, and earning good money, never does in this independent job.

Nevertheless, the job of the Wedding Planner is definitely a profession with a future. Finally, the number of couples wishing to hire a wedding planner is increasing year by year. One reason for this is that bridal couples are getting older these days and are able to afford these services – as professionals – and that many couples are more involved in their professional and family life and simply lack the time to prepare their own wedding, That means: With a good preparation, ample stamina, reliability and the dash of creativity you can definitely fulfill your career aspiration.

The dream job of the Wedding Planner is probably one of the most varied job profiles ever. Finally, one comes as a wedding planner with the most diverse people and wishes in contact. Nevertheless, one should not venture completely unprepared and full of romantic dreams to the market. A good planning of your career entry, a bubbly creativity and a lot of diligence are the basic requirements to succeed as a wedding planner.

As a small business ideas Wedding Planner is best for people to become self entrepreneur which you love to share with your friends.


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