Know the differences between PACS, RIS, CIS, and DICOM
Radiology is a field where you will find several terms and tools, related only to the subject. These specific terms of this field are something which you need to be familiar with and you know more and more about these terms as you grow and prosper in this career.
To speed up the communications certain acronyms are used like PACS or DICOM. In comparison with the other practices, a lot more data is processed by modern radiology practices.
The reason behind this is that in this field so many diagnostic images need to be stored and also they need to be ready to be shown anytime needed to any professional. To stay ahead, several software tools are being used in radiology practices.
Here are the details of PACS, RIS, CIS,and DICOM which will help you to understand the differences between them and whichwe must be aware of to improve radiology information for hospitals.
About PACS:-The full form of PACS is Picture Archive and Communication System. In PACS, you can store both 3D and 2 D images. This radiology informationneeds to very updated as here so many huge sets of files of images need to be stored for the hassle-free diagnosing and treatment of the patients. So, PACS is widely used by the professionals to save all the diagnostic imaging files. So it has become easy for the members of the professional team to search from this information and retrieve the required images. For more convenience and ease, this paperless solution uses cloud computing platform or local servers to store the images of MRIs, CT scans, X-rays etc.
The main motto of the PACS is to make it less complicated to manage and maintain all the imagery required to thoroughly monitor the present health status and his or her recovery speed. Paper-based system takes a really long time to locate and copy all the needed files. Also, there is all possible chance of the images being lost or misfiled.
PACS make all these processes of retrieval and storing of the images quick and easy which leads to quick detection of any disease and the treatment can be started promptly without any delay.
About RIS:-Radiology Information system or RIS is a great software solution for the radiology specialists. It helps to keep the staffs and radiology information updated easily which make the process of the treatment of the patients better. The workflow automatically speeds up with this specialized software as it is designed especially for the radiology. You can easily compare the present images of the reports with the past images. In this way, better treatment and assessment of the improvement of a patient can be tracked.
As proper networking protocols are established, the information can be easily shared with the staffs of the hospitals and the consultants even if they are far away. These RIS systems come with strong protection shield to protect all the data and information of the patients from the unauthorized viewers.
The employees are now able to schedule the appointments more swiftly with RIS. It also enables you to see if any patient is due to attend an appointment which may affect his or her recovery. As the details are not lost in any way, the average revenue is also never decreased. RIS also saves a lot of time in generating the report and in starting the treatment. Also, it efficiently keeps track of the progress of the patients.
About CIS:-CIS stands for Clinical Information System and it covers a number of software solutions which also includes the information about radiology unit, EMR,and EHR applications. CIS enable the organization to store all the information together at a single place so that the members of that place can easily ace those files which they actually need without wasting much time.
The staffs will be free from using any generic and common EHR software or any system based on papers and can access the information of the patient in an integrated form like- the last appointment of the patient, the pending tests, the progress of the health of the patient etc. A lot of time is saved as CIS easily retrieve all the necessary information.
About DICOM:-The full form of DICOM is Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. It makes the collaboration better between the professionals of the field of radiology. The imaging systems of the disparate radiology and the equipment are integrated via DICOM easily and this is very important as well. It helps to compare the results of the scans easily and quickly. So, DICOM has definitely improved the radiology information of hospitals.
So, in radiology practices, DICOM, PACS, RIS and CIS are dramatically improving the workflow in any hospital. So for the best results, you can trust upon Tenwave, the ultimate place for any software solution.