Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever
It is also known as allergic rhinitis. Mostly cause due to the reaction to pollen. When these pollens enter our body and upon that the tiny particles come in contact with the line of the mouth, eyes, nose,and throat then these irritate the body and triggers an allergic reaction.
Table of Contents
Drink fenugreek seed tea
The nasal congestion and the irritation that you get in the nasal passages and sinus that is triggered from it can be prevented by drink two to three cups of fenugreek seed tea daily. Those who have chronic hay fever can prevent the causing of the infection by drinking this tea.
Eat more of ginger and g
Ginger has great anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the hay fever symptoms. Garlic is nature’s anti-biotic that can help prevent sinus congestion.
Eat local honey and beeswax for fresh honeycomb
Choose a local beekeeper and from that purchase raw honey and start consuming it on a daily basis, months before the hay fever month starts. This will act as a protective shield for you during the hay fever season.
Make little changes to your diet
Pollen in the air can trigger various allergies in our body. There are certain kinds of foods that can trigger sensitivity and that is why you need to eliminate foods like zucchini, cucumber, wheat products, tomatoes, carrots,etc.
The root of the liquorice supports the immune system and also soothes the inflammation of the mucous membranes. It has great anti-inflammatory properties that support the adrenal glands and helps in providing relief from the fatigue that is caused due to allergies. It can be formulated with other herbs and used in the form of herbs or liquid form.
Vitamin C
Have foods and fruits rich I vitamin C content.
Honey works well for natural immunotherapy,and it gives your immune system the daily dose of allergens.
Eat fried onions
Onions and apples can help ease the system of allergy. There are other fruits too that contain the natural antihistamine, quercetin.
Things you need to avoid
Maintain a dust free environment
Dust mites can trigger hay fever,so you need to keep the house free from dust and make sure that the environment that you are living in clean and tidy. People who are chronic sufferers should remove items from their home which can accumulate dust in them like carpets, feather, quilts, pillows. Some household things are requiredon a daily basis which is why you cannot remove them so instead of that you need to make sure that you keep them clean at all times or wash them after a particular time.
Take nettle extract
Take fresh nettle juice and mix them with grape juice and consume it. Daily consumption can act as a natural antihistamine for hay fever.
Try nasal irrigation
Use salty and warm water to clear your air passages. Getting rid of the nasal passages will help reduce the hay fever symptoms.
Chlorinated Swimming pools are a big no-no
Chlorine that is found in the swimming pools can aggravate the problem of hay fever.
There is no fixed treatment for hay fever but with herbal remedies for hay allergy you can save yourself from the symptoms of hay fever to a great extent.