Here’s why Thugs of Hindostan is the latest trending news in India
Indian cinema is a land of copy cats and diversity.
If you talk about the kind of movies made in Bollywood, you would end up with a very long list. It will have all kinds of genres ranging from horror to romance, thriller to comedy, drama to history and what not.
The trending news in India today is about the upcoming movie, ‘Thugs of Hindostan’.
But before that we need to know what’s is so special about Indian cinema?
Long story short, the Indian cinema always churns out something that most of the people relate to. And because of the vast western influence on Indian audience, filmmakers have been copying the script of Hollywood movies and making a Hindi version of the same since ages.
And obviously, today is no different.
The latest viral news about the movie trailer of, ‘Thugs of Hindostan’ is creating ripples of excitement in the audience.But most of them don’t have any idea that this is the live example of the fact that Indian cinema is solely dependent on western movies for ideas.
Or at least, to a very large extent.
What is the reason behind this?
The irony of this movie begins with the simple fact that this movie is based on a film’s plot is based on Philip Meadows Taylor’s 1839 novel Confessions of a Thug. Isn’t it hilarious that an Indian movie about Indian thugs is actually based on British writer’s novel?
But Hey, haven’t we always been dependent on English writers for our movies? Take ‘Jungle Book’ for example. The entire plot of the movie, the name of the characters and frankly everything was based out of India, but written down by an English writer.
Moreover, it remained in the latest trending news for a long time when it was released.
I guess the movie makers feel nostalgic after every now and then and somehow are attracted by the vibrant ideas of the foreign cinemas. Which is why they end up taking influence, taking ideas and sometime copying the entire movie from Hollywood.
What is about the movie Thugs of Hindostan’?
Easy to say, that this movie has a remarkable reference with the movie series of Pirates of Caribbean. I bet if you have already seen the trailer, the only movie you will think of is the pirate’s series.
Even the characters of the movie are so relatable, that you can imagine in your mind that Aamir Khan is Jack Sparrow, Fatima- who plays the role of a warrior cum archer, is Kiara Knightley and so on.
Amitabh Bachchan also finds a very close resemblance to the Hector Barbossa. In addition to the main characters, this time the director of the movie have also paid close attention to copying the side characters who are given equal importance in the Pirate series.
Just like James Norrington, the British officer who is after the life of jack sparrow throughout the movie, there is a similar character crafted for Thugs of Hindostan. This character will be played by Lloyd Owen whose name will be John Clive.
The only major difference in Indian movie and Hollywood movies is the song component. After all, no movie can top the charts and become a trending news in India, unless it has a rocking dance number.
Easy to say, there will be an iconic dance number in the movie. Might be two, if the director is generous. There is already news that Prabhudeva is going to choreograph a dance number that will be featured on Amitabh Bacchan himself.
What are we expecting from this movie?
The least that you can expect from this movie is a wow factor. For those of you, who have already by hearted the ‘Pirates of Caribbean series’, this movie is just going to disappoint you. But for folks, who have saved themselves from the epic series, might like it.
In Conclusion:
Time will tell as to how this movie is going to do at the box office, but one thing is for sure, the movie already looks like a copied version of Pirates of Caribbean. Let’s see what the movie holds. If it’s really interesting, I am sure it will have an amazing response from the Indian audience. And if not. Well, let’s wait until it hits the theatre.
Right? Till then all we can do is speculate.