
Home Remedies for Healthy Hair

Most people love following a beauty regime that helps in maintaining their hair and skin in good health. In fact, millions of people all over the globe spend thousands of dollars for enjoying the fruits of having silky and strong hair.

The key factor you should remember when you are focusing on beauty is using natural ingredients instead of commercial beauty products. Toxins and chemicals present in commercial products can cause more harm than good in the long-run. The best thing about maintaining healthy and strong hair is that your kitchen has all the necessary ingredients already. The advantage of choosing home remedies is that it does not come with side effects, unlike commercial products. If you are not comfortable with English, you can always go for beauty tips for hair in Hindi as well.

Home Remedies for Healthy Hair

In this post, we are going to mention some of the homemade remedies that you can apply to maintain beautiful hair.


Eggs are one of the best ingredients you could use to have beautiful and luscious hair. Separate the egg white from the yolk and apply it to damp hair. Spread it evenly over your scalp and leave it there for about 20 minutes. Then, rinse it off using cool water and shampoo.

Honey and Conditioner

Honey can also do wonders to your hair. You will have to add about 3 tablespoons of honey to the regular conditioner you use. Mix it evenly and apply to wet hair and let it be there for a period of 30 minutes. After the stipulated period of time, rinse it using cool water.

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Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is quite useful in maintaining skin and hair health. You can make use of lemon juice at the end of your shower when you are about to begin your final rinse. Just add one tablespoon to it. You will not have to rinse your hair again. All you need to do is dry it using a soft towel.

Check out tips for beautiful hair in Hindi online in reputed websites if you are more comfortable with it.

Almond Oil

You can also regain your hair health with the help of some almond oil. Heat some amount of almond oil for about 40 seconds in a bowl. You can use it to massage your scalp and spread it across evenly. Let it be there for about 20 minutes. Rinse it with the help of your regular shampoo and conditioner. Make sure that you do not use hot water to rinse your hair.


Another magical ingredient that does wonders to the hair is yogurt. Get half cup of yogurt and apply to your damp hair. Let it remain there for 20 minutes. After that, rinse it using warm water which should be followed by cold/cool water. You can also use any shampoo of your choice.


If you have frizzy hair, this ingredient is just the one for you. Take half of an avocado and mash it. Then, apply it to your damp hair. You could also add few tablespoons of honey for moisture. Let it be there for 15 minutes and rinse it with the help of cool water.

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Try out these home remedies to welcome beautiful hair back to your life.


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