How to get Pressure out of your Ear

How to get Pressure out of your Ear

What is Pressure in the Ear?

Pressure in the ear is also known as “Blocked Ears” or “Ear Popping” or “Aural Fullness”. There are number of reasons which causes pressure in the ear.

Pressure in the ear can also be caused because of the Biological or the environmental factors. However change in the outer atmosphere is on of the main reason for the pressure in the ear.

How to get Pressure out of your Ear

Causes of Pressure in the ear

One of the main reason for pressure in the ear is change in the air pressure this is also called as Ear Barotrauma. This condition often arises when there is the change in the altitude. You often face this problem when the airplane is climbing or landing. While most of the ear pressure issues involves problem in the Eustachian tube. When there is the blockage in the eustachian tube the chances of the pressure in the ear increases. Blockage in the eustachian tube leads to the air being trapped in the ear, which causes imbalance of pressure.

Ear Infections also causes pressure in the ear. Ear infections where the fluid buildup occurs in the sinus cavities and most respiratory conditions including the bronchitis. Cold and flu are also one of the main reason of pressure in the ear. Allergies is also the reason which causes pressure in the ear.

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Symptoms of Pressure in the ear

Symptoms that accompany pressure in the ear are as follows:

  1. Reduction in Hearing: If you ever feel that you are unable to hear sound, this may be cause because of the pressure in the ear.
  2. Ear Pain: Continuous pain in the ear is also the symptom of the pressure in the ear. As pressure in the ear is also caused because of the blockage in the eustachian tube, which further leads to the pain in the ear.
  3. Ringing or Buzzing in the ear: Ringing or buzzing in the ear is also the symptom of the pressure in the ear.

Top ways to get pressure out from the ear

  • Yawning or Drinking: Yawning and drinking helps in opening of the Eustachian tube. As blocking in the eustachian is one of the main reason of the pressure in the ear. The eustachian tube gets open whenever you eat or drink something. Drinking water helps in most of the cases of ear congestion or dysfunction.
  • Breathing Exercise: Breathing exercise helps to get relief from the pressure in the ear. As the breathing nasals are somewhere connected with the eustachian tube and taking long breath helps to remove the blockage in the eustachian tube which further helps to remove pressure from the ear.
  • Try the Neti Pot: The neti pot is a nasal irrigation device mostly used in th Ayurvedic treatments, this method is very useful to get relief from the pressure in the ear. If the reason of the pressure in the ear is sinusitis, cold or congestion, than this therapy is very useful.
  • Chew on candy: Chewing on candy or gum is one of the best treatment to get relief pressure from the ear. When you chew candy or gum, it makes you swallow due to the rise in saliva production. Which helps to release pressure from the ear.
  • Steam: This treatment act like a worm compress of your ear, especially if the pressure in the ear is because of the cold, water has gone into the ear or sinusitis. The method of this therapy is very simple, you just have to cover your head with the towel and use a steamer for 5-10 minutes until the muffled sound in your ears clear up.
  • Apply a warm Compress: if the pressure in the ear is caused because of the pain, than a warm compress helps you alot. This simply open ups the Eustachian tube and eases the pressure while you must have to make sure that the pad is no too hot.
  • Get relieve from the ear pressure Naturally: There are many methods which can open up the Eustachian tube naturally, and restore the pressure balance to your ear.
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