
How to teach your child to be happy

A happy child is the dream of every parent. Most of the parents try hard to hide their own difficulties of life from their children so that their children never have to experience the pain that they go through. Some parents even try to take them out to classes where they can learn to be happy and playful for most of the times. These classes teach the language of happiness to the children through their playful sessions and activities. A happy child is a treasure that we all want to own.

But is it really easy to raise a child who is always happy?

To a large extent it is possible by adopting a few simple lifestyle changes. By teaching the language of happiness we can bring about a lot of positive changes in their attitudes.

Language of happiness:

Don’t worry this is not a special skill set that you need to make your child learn. This is simply the way of acceptance and enjoyment which is a behavioural trait that has to be imparted in the children. This can be attained at a very young age itself. For example – we often get to see in some baby or animated shows on TV that some characters are always happy and they ignore whatsoever is happening around them.

Children too when they are at the age of toddler- tend to smile a lot. We often term as their attempt to “please” us with their cuteness. However it can be a behavioural trait that they own at this age.

This type of attitude is not shown by most of the adults. When kids see people around them- not being equally happy about life- even they grow up to be one of us- stressful and tensed!

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Therefore- it is important that the child is taught this language of happiness at an early age and we too should set examples in front of them.

How can we teach the language of happiness to our children?

Own it yourself:

It is not always easy to stay happy. But at least for the time that we spend around our kids we should consciously make efforts to be happy. We will have to avoid irritability, anger and frustration for the period of time and allow love, laughter and light moments to step in.

Results and expectations:

When it comes to kids do not expect the results to show overnight. Since it’s a behavioural trait you really need to work hard as a parent. And the practice that initially seems difficult to do will become natural over the period of time. The positive outcomes will be seen in your own personal life as well.

So while you consciously make a decision of adopting the language of happiness in your life, do not jump into any conclusions very fast.

Let the children blossom with love, open mindedness and a lot of freedom. They want to explore and be accepted for their mistakes- just like we too want. Give them the freedom while you keep a watchful eye over their safety.

Raise happy children through the language of love and happiness.

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