Impact of Big Data on Mobile app development
“Data will talk to you, if you are willing to listen” – Jim Bergeson
Today, with the advent of new technologies, mobile phones are no longer the ordinary communication device but have become the point of necessity for the businesses. The world being on the move, makes the use of mobile application platforms to get their things done on their fingertips in just a minutes. So, to take this opportunity of current market scenario, brands are turning towards mobile app to reach wider audience, catering the needs and increasing the higher ROI. Hence, with all the activities done by the mobile interactions, businesses no longer can undermine the importance of mobile. Mobile app development companies are also coming up with the best strategies by developing the user-friendly mobile apps to scale up with the business
For the brand to become successful, picture-perfect mobile app strategy is needed and to make this hit, big data plays a crucial role. If big data means increasing volume of diversified data, mobile engagement means interactions that are contributing to the overwhelming volume and different data.
When Big Data meets Mobile apps….
With the word called Big Data, new phrase comes into the picture called mobile big data because the majority of the traffic is generated by smart phone. The data is almost similar to the conventional website but only difference is that, smart phone being in the buzz give rise to smart analytics applications which ultimately generates series of data fueling up big data terminology. Thus this nurturing relationships between big data and mobile apps can help to dominate the position on the app store and play store.
How data analytics help in mobile app development?
Data in the digital world is composed of three components:
- Velocity: Determines the speed at which data is originating
- Volume: Portrays the data being generated by using digital platforms
- Variety: Shows how data can be generated through images, video, texts and much more
The above mentioned 3Vs are the pillar of generating data and on this data, mobile app development is being structured. Big data with its power of generating data analytics can offer great insights that app developers and marketers can use to make app successful.
How data is generated?
Each time when the user downloads any mobile app, user is required to register in the app by filling name, location and other basic information. Some mobile apps also ask for the user preference, interest and relevant information which is useful for their brand. Now imagine lacs and crores of people would be passing data for the food delivery, cab booking, salon service etc.; hence the brand will have massive data. But, unless this data is processed, one can’t come up with the useful information. Data analyst processes this data into chunks and make it a qualifiable information. No brand will be willing to let go this knowledge and investing heavily in the business intelligence, enterprise can offer personalized user experience. By studying the strategies of online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay etc. mobile app Development Company strives to offer personalized recommendations, coupons, ads, offers and much more.
‘When’ and ‘Where’ aspects turns to actionable analytics
Big Data offers useful insights for business and majority are about ‘what’ part of communication but with the increasing importance of ‘when’ and ‘where’, most of the business communication preferred by time and location. Location of the users is important to ensure maximum attention and engagement and when it comes to retail industry, knowing the location of the user is necessary to promote offers based on the proximity of the store. Hence, when and where aspects of communication and other user information helps the mobile apps to address users in better way. When location specific data is feed to mobile app, marketers can easily address the users with the current scenario and that helps to generate more business conversions.
Big Data generates monetization model
In the competitive business environment, every business is striving to make solid foothold with an attractive pricing and keeping the bottom line most promising one. To do this, perfect monetization model is necessary! And there is only one way to hit the strategy i.e. by gathering customer data. With the help of this, several monetization methods must be tried and then come up with the strategy of intelligently pricing the product data. For instance, for monetizing the new mobile app, brand must consider the buying habit of the target user, whether the app is free or not and preferences of the target user groups, customer location to help mobile sensors to promote pricing. Lastly, brand also need to know, what promotion works the best for your users to push them into buying an app. This is how, BigData opens the door by contributing more layers of information and data driven insights to monetize the product.
Social Media platform generates data for mobile app
Social Media platform can be the great way to generate data with the help of like, comments and chatting with the customer. The communication on the social media platform offers rich insights about buying behavior of the customer, preferences, likes, choices, dislikes and much more. Data of the user is more accessible as the user is connected to this platform round the clock and big data technology grabs this diverse and high volume of data and then performs relevant and actionable analytics which can no longer be the challenging thing to do. Brand owners can know their users and can easily put themselves in the shoe of their target users and then serves them with their requirements and needs. Big data analytics help to understand the pool of data and guide them with the strategy of providing effective notification.
Brands using Big Data Analytics
Mobile app development companies’ uses Big Data technology to gather customer focused data in real time and to the name of few…
Amazon: Amazon being one of the huge retail giant uses big data technology for the predictive analysis to show user similar products to what they searched for the last time. This strategy pushes the user to purchase the product! Moreover, they also analyse the time stamp at what time maximum traffic comes from, product highly searched by the user and other factors.
Uber: Uber being on-demand taxi provider uses big data to analyze the real-time traffic condition, driver’s availability, demands of car in various places and much more. Using this data, they provide estimated amount to be charged and charges for the waiting time by implementing the concept of surge pricing
Star bucks: Have you ever wondered how it is financially and economically feasible to open the multiple store in same area? It is all because star bucks invested heavily in big data and analytics in order to determine the success of its store. It analyzes traffic data, population densities, income levels, demographics and wealth of customer data.
Fitness apps: With the help of big data, many fitness apps collect the daily data of everyone who registers. By knowing what diet one consumes, which exercise one does; the fitness app can suggest the better diet and some of the best preferable exercise. App like Nike FuelBand uses big data platform and creates massive customer base from workouts, distance walked or run pattern to sleep patterns.
How Big Data is indispensable to mobile app development and marketing?
A mobile app needs to be attractive, easy to navigate for getting high tractions in the app market. Most importantly, it must fulfills the user’s needs and big data technology helps the mobile application developers in this context by following ways:-
- Enables to understand the audience: To serve users with the best services, it is always necessary to cater their needs. Hence, you can come up with the different insights from different sources. With the help of big data analytics and machine learning tools, it is easy to group data under different categories and predict what next step must be taken to push users to purchase the product
- Increases success rates: In order to have idea about the target customer, it is necessary to have an idea of how customers of different countries react to the mobile app. With the help of big data, you can get filtered data as per location, age, gender and that can help you to target accordingly.
- Enhances app performance: Through Big Data, developers can easily generate the traffic of the application and can scrutinize each feature properly by getting rid of the features that hinders the most. This ultimately increases app engagement and ultimately ROI
- Scales up revenue: With the mountain of data of the user’s behavior, you can easily come to know what kind of push notification must be sent to the user according to the location. This increases conversions, provides the insight of number of users engaged and ultimately boost the app revenue.
The bottom line
Due to the massive amount of users who shifted to use tablets and smartphones, the market is expected to reach $189 billion, exceeding the $100 billion quota by the year 2020. Unleashing the power of data, mobile app development companies are catering the users with the bespoke mobile app as per their need. By understanding how the users interact with an app and their specific behavior while using it, developers can come up with solutions for improving the existing apps, as well as user-oriented ideas for brand new ones.