Health & Fitness


Hygiene is a habituate which has to be convened and has to be put into practice for the children from initial childhood days. It is not only our physique which requires cleanly maintenance but also our surroundings should be kept neatly for a better hygiene. There are so many new diseases spreading worldwide such as dengue, swine flu, and bird flu due to the paucity of hygiene. So, if we start our battle on paucity of hygiene and teach our kids to progress the same, this will have a good impact on the upcoming generation. Being unhygienic not only affects you, your family and friends but the nation’s reputation also depends upon the hygienic maintenance of the country.


  • Always wear clean clothes whereas wearing the dirty set of clothes may affect with skin disorders
  • Take bath on a regular basis in order to avoid the bacteria formation on your body
  • Visit a dentist regularly for a dental check up in order to safeguard your teeth in a proper manner and do not forget to brush your teeth twice a day
  • Every now and then try to wash your hands as there might be unseen dust in the places we touch
  • It is most important to keep your private or genital organs very clean as they are the parts which get affected to the infectious bacteria very quickly


  • First and foremost keep your house very neat and tidy
  • Do not throw the waste around your surroundings. Do use the trash cans to dispose the waste as it may lead to various diseases
  • Make sure you never pass urine or spit in public areas as it creates a stinking odor and is also harmful to your health
  • Try to plant more trees in the surroundings of your work place and your residence and keep in touch with the administration to ensure that your surroundings are kept clean.
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I would suggest all of you who read this article to make sure that you practice the above simple tips and progress the hygienic maintenance in order to lead a happy and healthy life. So, Begin practising hygiene from today itself.

Author Bio :- Hello, everyone! Iam ravi parimi founder of Call Of Duty World At War (Top Tech Tricks) . First of all thank you for reading my article. Hope you all like my content as well. Iam  expertised at Google AdSense/SEO/Marketing. Toptechtricks is the main blog where you can get all info about Technology and mobile app that Top lists in the world,etc


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