Health & Fitness

List of Transmitted Diseases from Pregnant Woman to Baby

Gestation is a phase that demands changes in the routine of women, be it in terms of food, daily practices and, especially, in the constant presence of examinations and consultations in their calendar for health maintenance. Not to mention, there are several diseases that can be transmitted from mother to child, making medical follow-up an essential form of prevention and tranquility.

Diseases Transmitted in Pregnancy


Contamination occurs through the respiratory system through airborne droplets. If it is acquired by the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus runs serious risks of malformations that can cause deafness, delayed intrauterine growth, heart and eye problems. There is also a high risk of miscarriage and premature birth.


The disease, caused by blood transfusion or intercourse without the use of a condom, can cause fetal malformations such as deafness, hydrocephalus, anomalies in the teeth and bones, and increase the risk of preterm delivery or abortion. Even in newborns, the baby’s health is severely impaired.


Transmission can occur through cat feces or can be acquired through raw or poorly washed foods. Depending on the stage at which the fetus is infected, it can cause problems in the heart, brain, eyes, liver and fetal development. In the long run, it can cause serious health problems, especially ocular.


According to data from the Ministries of Health, 827 thousand people live with the AIDS virus in Brazil, which causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The risk of a mother carrying the AIDS virus infecting the baby is small with the use of antiviral drugs and medical follow-up. Still, the baby can not be breastfed because HIV is present in milk.

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Genital herpes

Dr. Nagendra Agarwal – Gynaecologist in Hyderabad Explains that The infection requires a lot of care because there is a risk of the pregnant woman passing the virus to the baby during pregnancy or at the time of delivery. If transmitted, the virus can cause sequelae in the skin, in the brain. Contamination during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.


The disease is caused by the Zika virus, which is transmitted by the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. For pregnant women, the disease can have serious effects on the fetus, which can cause microcephaly, a malformation that is associated with mental retardation in 90% of cases, and other syndromes.


This micro-organism from the chickenpox and herpes virus family is transmitted by blood transfusion, respiratory (like influenza) or from the mother to the baby. During pregnancy, there are chances of transmitting the virus to the baby, leading to premature delivery and even malformations in the fetus, microcephaly, deafness, mental retardation or epilepsy.


If transmitted to the baby during childbirth, infection with the human papillomavirus can cause kidney defects in the abdominal wall and the insertion of the umbilical cord, as well as a cleft lip.


The picture of diseases that can be transmitted during pregnancy is vast and highlights the importance of having medical follow-up during the gestation process for prevention purposes. Therefore, the prenatal and the series of tests that fill all stages of pregnancy are indispensable to anticipate and prevent diseases that can put the baby’s life at risk.


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