
Questions You Must Ask While Choosing a Call Center

Great call centers outsourcing services are something that every company is looking for. Handling your customer support to a less reliant company can make you lose customers instead of acquiring more and retaining the existing ones due to low customer satisfaction score. However, if you select the right call center that understands your company goals and treats your customers as theirs, your business can reach unprecedented heights. Moreover, outsourcing allows you to focus more on your expansion plans while freeing you up from the task of recruiting, training the call center agents.

Questions You Must Ask While Choosing a Call Center

Clearly, choosing the right third party is crucial for your business. Hence, here is a list of questions that will help you in ascertaining the best option for your company. Take a look.

  • Which services are the ones that you consider yourself an expert at?

Check if the answer is inclusive of the services that you want to avail. For example, if you want outbound call center services and they say that they are not good at persuading but surely good at solving problems, take it as a red flag. Most of the call centers outsourcing companies provide blended services and that is why it becomes necessary for you to ask them there area of expertise. The same help you in ascertaining if they will match your requirements. Use the qualities they have touted to frame more intricate questions.

  • Who are your clients?

Ask the call center about the clients they have. This will help you in understanding a lot about their performance. You can use that information to check the same. Call the companies and ask them about their experience with the call center. If they seem to be quite satisfied with the call center services then take it as a positive point. After all, who is better than the clients themselves to judge the outsourcing company you are thinking of delegating your customer care to.

  • What is the process followed by you for quality assurance?
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Ask them about the training process they follow to train the new agents. Also, ask them the QA guidelines and see if they tell you about the call metrics and KPIs they use.

  • What are your performance statistics?

The wait time, customer retention rate, first call resolution and a lot more are there that speaks volume about the performance through statistics. If they are not good, they obviously won’t tell you. Moreover, what they tell you, ask them to show the same to you.

  • What makes you better than your competitors?

See how they answer this question. There has to be something extra in them for being your customer support partner. So, look for the distinct features they have, try to know what makes them different from the rest. If they are just like others, what’s the point of choosing them as your call centers outsourcing company in the first place?

  • Can you tell us about the technology?

Make sure the technology they use is not obsolete. It should be able to make the work immaculate and efficient. There should be no connection problem, extraneous sounds.

  • Do you take any data security measures?

Sharing your data with the third party is no small thing. You have to ensure that the company is taking certain measures to keep your data secure. Ask them about the disaster recovery plan too. Bring a technical member with you so that the call centers outsourcing company cannot entice with what they say. Inspect what they say and go check their facility.

  • How do you hire the agents?
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Remember, agents are the lifeblood of your business, they represent your company. Even if the technology and everything else would be great, the customer support won’t be good enough. It is so because if the immediate person of contact, that is, the agents won’t be the best people to talk to, the impression of your company will go down. Moreover, the agents will not be able to give the best solution to the problems of the customers. So, if they actually look for traits like helpfulness, empathy, politeness and patience, great, otherwise, don’t take that call centers outsourcing company into consideration. Also, talk to the agents that will be dealing with your customers.

  • We would like to hear some random call recordings. Can we?

If they don’t allow you to listen to the calls, you know what needs to be done. However, if they do, analyze the calls carefully. See if you would like to take to such reps if you were a customer.

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