
Significance of Brand Consistency in Taxi Businesses

“Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms” – Simon Mainwaring

The On-Demand Taxi Services have flourished in the recent past. Uber being the global leader has conquered 72 countries. Along with Uber other brands such as Lyft, Grab, Didi, and Ola have also emerged. This healthy competition is a blessing for the consumers as they are getting so many alternatives for traditional taxi business.

Significance of Brand Consistency in Taxi Businesses
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If you are an entrepreneur aspiring to create a taxi app then one question would be surely in your mind right now ─ How to gain attention of consumers despite of this fierce competition? In this article we’ll breakdown the possible solution for this question.

Before we go deep down I would like to ask one simple question. What’s the first point of interaction between your customers and the brand? It’s the brand name, the brand logo, and the brand content. As the saying goes first impression is the last impression, I think the first interaction is critical and you must put adequate efforts and focus to gain their attention.

Brand Consistency is the Key

An average person usually sees thousands of products. These products come from all the means whether they are billboards, TV, radio, classifieds, or internet. However, the consumers only go for few products. It is because, the brand that they chose was able to establish an emotional connection with the consumer. And how it did that?

Multiple scientific studies have emphasized the importance of brand consistency. Science has already proved the fact that wiring of our brain is in such a way that they are adept in finding patterns. Whenever a consumer sees a brand which they recognise from the past, they are more likely to buy it than a brand with a changed or confusing logo.

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Mismatched & confusing logos, bad marketing strategies, and inconsistent branding gives a bad impression to your customers. On a subconscious level they will see your brand as unreliable. Whereas, maintaining and feeding consistent information to your customers will build a strong bond.

Spending a fortune to set up a huge marketing campaign could be a one way. Many big firms do employ this method to get their consumer’s attention and why not? If you got such amount of money; there’s no harm in spending for marketing.However, you don’t need to spend a fortune ─ one of the perks of Taxi Industry. Since, taxi industry is still in in its nascent stage, brand consistency would just do the job.

Avoid Common Errors

Maintaining brand consistency is not a rocket science. You just have to take care of small things and the big ones would fall in place. You just need to ensure if there is are inconsistencyin the logo, name, or any marketing content that could cause confusion in consumer’s mind? If yes, then you must take necessary steps to counter it.

Taxi industry is such that it uses many terms like Cab, Taxi, Cars, etc. These terms are interchangeable and using all of them would be simply foolish. To maintain brand consistency, you must select any one word and then use it till eternity. The same goes with logos, you must ensure that your logo looks the same everywhere; whether it be your website, billboards, cards or any other platform.

You can take inspiration from global behemoths like KFC and Pepsi. No matter where you go, you won’t see any variation in their logo and spelling. In fact, these brands have such a prestige that the consumers can recognise them just by having a glimpse of their logo. It is very hard to confuse with thelogo when they have prominent figures and colour patterns as in an old figure on KFCs logo and blue, red, and white colours on Pepsi’s logo sphere.

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You can too achieve this success and trust amongst the customers if you take care of the details as consistency and preciseness is the key here. Following are the steps which would help you to ensure your brand consistency.

  1. What’s in a Name – Well It’s Everything

Pick a company’s name and stick to it no matter what. Customers can have doubt in your brand name like “was it A2B Cabs or A to B Cabs?”. In such scenarios you must communicate with your customers and let them know that it’s A2B. Moreover, you must confirm that everyone working with you is on the same page in case ifthere are any changes in the name.

  1. Choose Your Logo – Design is Thinking Made Visual

There are some taxi firms which uses multiple logos. It causes a great deal of confusion in customers’ mind. Even if the company’s name is same, the subtle variations in the logos confuses them. To avoid these,first you must have knowledge of common logo problems such as pixelated, stretched, and off-colour logo.

Choose Your Logo – Design is Thinking Made Visual
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  1. A colour is as strong as the impression it creates–Choose Your Colour Shade

Choose a colour shade which will remain constant. For example, can you imagine Facebook without blue? or Uber without black? These are their characteristic colours. They ensure the consistent use of it to a point untilthe customers can identify the brand just by the colour palette.

  1. Maintain Consistency in Brand Voice

Recognizing and maintaining your brand voice is essential as that’s the way how you would communicate with your customers. Your marketing content will depend on your target audience. For example,a service like Uberwill have a different tone than a service like Etihad Airways.To maintain this tone and emotion you must ensure that all your marketing content through social media, website, billboards, and all other platforms are consistent.

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Final Thoughts

Brand consistency is an important element. If you weren’t paying enough attention to it earlier then don’t worry it’s never too late. Taking baby steps toward it would be a great start. Brand consistency may seem insignificant; however, it is a game changer.

Giving attention to details is all you got to do. One crucial aspect to keep in mind is having effective communication amongst your employees. You got to confirm that everybody is aware of the content going out to the customers and every department is working in sync.

You would be pleasantly surprised to know how much a change brand consistency can bring in. It can affect every small purchase. By just maintaining the brand’s name, logo, and tone; you would see customer’s trust growing along with customer retention.

Author Bio

Mushahid I Khatri  is a solution consultant at Yelowsoft and one of the leading Taxi Booking app development company in 2011. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with leaned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.


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