
Want to improve your writing? Use these 4 software tools!

Do you want to improve your writing skills without investing much time and money? Then, use these four software tools!

It is a known fact that all students do not possess the same writing abilities, while some are highly gifted, other have to work extremely hard to complete one paper that has no mistakes. The problem arises for such students when they have to submit at least a dozen papers per semester back to back. Of course, at this stage, when a student is in college or university, it is hard to learn writing skills due to lack of time. Such students who feel lost and have accepted bad grades in writing assignments as their fate need to look for avenues of help. Specifically, you can take a look at the following software tools which can help you to submit a paper that is of a better quality. With the development of new technologies, students who lack writing skills, can make up by using these tools. Certainly, these tools will not enhance your writing skills, however, they will proofread your content and pick out mistakes before you submit your papers, thus you can achieve better grades. Do read ahead if you have problems in writing:


  1. Get your spelling mistakes checked by using GrammarK:

At some point in our lives, we all have experienced that relying on MS Word alone to keep a check on spelling errors is not enough as it is not a hundred percent reliable. If you want your paper to be perfect before you submit it without any spelling errors, then use GrammarK, it is a similar software as However,GrammarKcolor codes all the mistakes so that you can easily correct them.

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  1. Submit a proofread mistake free paper by using

If you are in a hurry and do not have time to proofread your paper, do not submit the paper as is and leave your grade to chance. Rather, use a simple tool which is, which will proofread your content for you, displaying your mistakes as a highlighted portion so that you can change it without having to read the whole document again.


  1. Get innovative suggestions on how to improve your content by using Reverso:

To come up with creative content that is grammatically correct is not always a piece of cake! Reverso is a highly unique software that not only points out your mistakes that may be present in the content, but it also gives innovative ideas to improve your content. You can also check conjugation, translate your content in at least ten other languages and use an inbuilt dictionary to add more appropriate words to your content, making it much richer.


  1. Get your paper fully checked by using Paper Rater:

Although this software Paper Rater comes at a price, it is a good tool if you are an international student without proper knowledge of English grammar and punctuation. This software can give students solutions in real time, thus saving their time. If you want your paper proofread at an expert level, then make an investment once and reap the fruits all your student life.


Author Bio: Melody Wilson is a distinguished academic content writer and blogger who has carved a niche for herself in this field where she has worked dedicatedly for more than the past eight years. Currently, she is affiliated with one of the world’s leading academic writing agency and is working in the capacity of an academic writer and student counsellor.


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