Why is Online Marketing Better than Offline Marketing
In today`s world, marketing your business online has a lot of advantages when compared to offline marketing. Internet has dramatically changed the way of things and more so in the world of business and marketing. Every business today needs online marketing to thrive today. Online marketing involves promotion through online ads, posting on social media sites like facebook and twitter, PPC (Pay Per Click), E Mail Marketing, SEO and website and offline is about brochures, flyers, banners, catalogues, Newspaper Ads.
Why Online Marketing for your business
Reduced Cost – Many businesses choose online marketing owing to its cost–effective features. When compared to newspapers, it is highly cost- effective when marketing online. TV ads and newspaper ads are expensive while advertising through the internet is very affordable. Pay Per Click which is based on real clicks your ads get is a great way to save money.
Measurability and Real-Time Result – You can measure results through analytical tools like Google Analytics in online marketing. With ease, you can measure everything from SEO, Social Media, Adwords, E Mail Marketing who give accurate information on the number of clicks made, number of visits and conversion of sales. You can measure the clicks directly through Adwords and then analyze what types of people are replying to your ads through Google Analytics.
Tap Larger Audience – You can determine your target audience precisely through online marketing. You can directly target your ads to a chosen target group through online social media site like facebook and also you can see the display of how many you have reached. With less money internet marketers can reach a wide number of people.
Email vs. Direct Mail– Engaging through direct mail is an effective way to reach customers. E Mail marketing is free and it goes directly to the inbox of your customer. Physical mails are expensive and take a longer time to reach your customers. Through online E Mail Marketing, you can quickly and easily reach your customers with impact.
Online Information of your product – People can easily view your products and buy online through online marketing. This is not possible with offline marketing where one has to visit the brick and mortar stores to make any purchases. Conversions are easily possible through online marketing. People can also read reviews of products before making any purchases online and this is very difficult with offline marketing.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Offline traditional form of marketing campaign has an average lifespan of 1-4weeks. But online marketing is a continuous process which brings results steadily. With a good website and SEO, if your website is ranked in the first pages of search engines then you will be able to stay visible to your potential clients for a long time. However, SEO strategy is needed to hold this position.
Traditional offline advertising does not offer you a way to optimize your Ad like SEO does for a website to rank higher than other ads without having to pay money. SEO helps to improve the volume and quality of traffic to a website through organic search results for targeted keywords. For best SEO services in Dubai, hire a best digital marketing agency in Dubai who will help design your website well and through effective SEO strategy make your website rank first among the search engine pages.